Residential real estate is one of those 24/7 careers, so being able to 'get the job done' at any time and place is critical to my clients' success. That's why I have three work areas - my office cubicle, my car, and my home office.
Each space is set up with the necessary forms, documents and templates needed, but my home office is where I do most of my work. It took me awhile to carve out the right spot for an office. Eeking out a home office can be a challenge, especially in a small house like mine.
Once my youngest was old enough to move into her sister's bedroom, I converted the nursery (previously an attic space) into my office. I painted it a neutral off-white, added wainscoting for character, laid down carpet tiles, installed some shelving and tucked in a desk given to me by a client. It's the perfect cosy spot to work.
With the foundation in place (desk and shelving), I added a computer, two printers - one with scan/fax capabilities, and a postage meter. I stocked up on heavy weight and copier paper, three sizes of envelopes, note cards and binders for all my forms and templates. Every year I take everything out, dust off what works and say good-bye to that which doesn't! It's a good process and helps me start fresh for the new year!
Have you been thinking about creating a home office? Whether it's to catch up on bill paying, write the next great novel, or summit the corporate ladder, having an organized work space at home is a wonderful tool and adds value to your home!
Some things to keep in mind when creating an office at home:
You don't need much square footage.
Any unused nook works well. |
Convert an under utilized closet or that 'Harry Potter'
space under the stairs into a functioning office. |
Think about taking over a corner (or an entire room) in your home.
A lot of people use their dining room - just remember to style it pretty
as you (and everyone else) will see it every time you walk by. |
Add a punch of color with your desk lamp. |
If desk space is at a minimum consider wall sconces.
These just plug into a wall outlet - no electrician needed! |
Use a rug to define the space, and add warmth and style.
Think of a rug like a tray - it grounds the collection above. |
Round out the room with a thoughtfully curated and oh-so comfortable chair. |
Use vintage items or things you collect to corral everyday tools like pens/pencils. |
And never underestimate the power of a small tray on the desktop! |
Small space means small desks. If you have limited
space to dedicate to a home office try going up. |
Maximize your desktop space by going vertical
- try stacked trays, a hanging shelf, or a mini ladder. |
Bring personal expression to your space by adding art. |
Etsy is a great source for personalized and instant downloadable prints. |
Add fresh flowers and a candle for beauty and movement! |
Tuck a living plant in a corner (or a statute's head)! |
Whether it's a collection of framed family photos, |
or a quirky collection of buttons, |
or a sweet little something that makes you happy -
whatever it is, surround yourself with things you love. |
Next week I'll be writing about how to put your car to work! Whether for work, play, carting kids around or just the simple pleasure of knowing - '
you got this'!
Until next time,
la chasse au bonheur
translated this means - 'the hunt for happiness'