Two of our three dogs (I know, we are certifiable) were adopted from rescue shelters so we know first hand the work these shelters are doing. And of course, in this economic downturn, how hard their budgets and donations have been hit. So this posting is for all the dedicated volunteers and workers who are doing god's work with these homeless animals.
A few years ago I listed a home with five, yes, five Jack Russell Terriers. The funny thing was, when I was there, I never saw them. When I asked the owners where they were she pointed to a clever little cabinet in their family room. That clever cabinet opened to the back yard where a much larger dog house was smartly tucked away.
This benefit and our growing family of pets got me thinking about dog houses. I decided to research what's available, on the market so to speak! Man was I surprised to see the number of designer houses available. The economy has not hit this seems as if the real estate market is doing just fine in the dog house arena.
There is no end to the architectural styles available. I found a dog house to match just about any style of home.
Tres Modern
Going Green
Traditional and Classic
Cottage Chic
yes, there's even an RV available
It seems as if the concept of the dog house has been rethought from the ground up. For those dedicated to spoiling their amicus fidelis protectio fortis (faithful friend, strong protector) the options are endless.
I am off to walk the dogs, until next week,
la chasse au bonheur