Thursday, August 26, 2010

Who says adventure can't be found in your own backyard?

I traveled the globe for the first twenty years of my career...and while I loved meeting the people, it was always how they lived and where they lived that touched my soul. I have my favorites for certain, the thatched roof cottages along the Thames and the sun drenched villas along the Mediterranean come immediately to mind, as do the Creole homes in the French Quarter of New Orleans and the Federal style farm houses along the Currier and Ives countryside of northern New York.

A bohemian by nature, I love adventure. So when two small children dictated a stay at home career, residential real estate seemed like the natural fit.

Instead of the south of France (ah, but how I love Bandol!) I find myself finding all kinds of adventure right in my own backyard. And those two small children I mentioned, they have grown up to be little ladies and with that comes "reality tv". I often thought real estate would make a great subject for reality is fraught with drama, glamour, suspense, and the occasional nude scene (stay tuned).

Now, I harbor no thoughts of this turning into a book, tv series or movie, but I do think you will love coming along with me on my funny, and sometimes heart warming adventures through the mini neighborhoods and classic lives of residential Seattle.

Here's to life and la chasse au bonheur!
